Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Last one, also at 17.22. Seems funny to think it was just four days ago, and I'm already a lomg way down the track to recovery, thanks to the wonderful Mr R and his great team. To see the 2006 operation for comparison, click here
Some progress
Friday 23rd July 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday 21st July 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday, 20th July, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Good news from King's College Hospital

A brief note to say that all is well. Eric had the operation to deal with his aortic aneurism today. His surgeon Mr R says that all went perfectly as planned. Eric is a little groggy this evening, but cheerful. The photo shows Eric this at 8pm tonight, with Mr R, and Lindsay.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
I saw this gentleman today in my clinic. I have been through his CT scan with him and his wife and I have explained to him about the pathology (the infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm). We had quite a long discussion about treatment options including no intervention. EVAR and open surgery. In view that he had a major laparotomy in the past following a ruptured colon with a colostomy and reversal of the colostomy, his abdomen is quite hostile which puts an open repair at a higher risk of complications. He is fully aware that with the EVAR repair there is less mortality risk as well as a significantly lower hospital stay, but continuous follow-up in the future will be required.
After a long discussion. Lord Avebury has decided to go for the EVAR repair which we are planning to do on 19th July. I have discussed his case with Dr W who will be ordering his stent. We have also agreed that he is not going to need any renal artery angioplasty prior to the procedure.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Mehdi Foundation International
Mehdi Foundation International adherents detained in Tihar Jail,
The Mehdi Foundation International (MFI) was formed under the guidance of H H Ra Gohar Shahi, who revealed his Sufi teachings in 1980 The set of beliefs he taught are considered to be heretical, and blasphemous under the blasphemy laws of Pakistan, where conviction for this ‘offence’ is punishable by a maximum sentence of death. Many believers have served long prison sentences, and charges were made against HH Ra Gohar Shahi himself in 1998 and 1999. These were dropped after the courts were told that he had died, though his adherents believe he has gone into ‘occultation’, having been hidden by God as the 12th Imam was in Shi’a Islam. His official representative is HH Younus AlGohar, the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of the MFI , and also the official Representative of Ra Gohar Shahi.
This note summarises the case of 62 members of the Mehdi Foundation International (MFI), detained in Tihar Jail,
Hatred has been incited against the MFI members in
All the UNHCR would say, as of November 18, 2008, was that the matter was very delicate, and discussions were underway both internally with ‘relevant external interlocutors’.
On Tuesday November 18, 2008, the Indian authorities filed an application under Section 321 Cr.PC. before Shri Ajay Pandey, ACMM-01,
On December 17, 2008, on the hearing of an application by the refugees’ lawyer CM No.14764/2008, the Delhi High Court asked the government to obtain clarification from UNHCR on the process of granting asylum, before the next hearing scheduled for February 11, 2009. Although
It was not clear why there was no question in law of allowing them to remain in India temporarily, even though 6 other MFI members who arrived in India at the same time as the detainees have remained in the country ever since as asylum applicants. The war of words between India and Pakistan over the Mumbai atrocities might have been a factor in the decision initially; President Zardari said that suspected terrorists would not be handed over to India, so it was hoped that New Delhi might not wish to extradite this group, accused of comparatively trivial offences.
At the hearing on February 11, 2009, the Union of India asked for another six weeks to consider the matter, which was granted. The matter was then further deferred, and was due to be heard in the High Court on May 13, 2009. It was then further deferred at the request of lawyers acting for the Indian government, to July 8, 2009. By that time the 62 individuals, including 11 children and 19 women, had been in custody for 25 months, longer than the maximum sentence that could have been imposed if they had been found guilty on the original charges of being present on Indian territory without valid documentation.
Originally there were 62 persons in the group. Since their arrival, five women who were pregnant at the time of their arrest have given birth. Two persons recently said they were willing to return to
Sara Riaz (f) DoB June 27, 2003
Abhaya Gohar (f), DoB June 20, 2007
Zile Gohar (f), DoB August 15, 2004
Mary Gohar (f) DoBJuly 31, 2007
Asad Gohar (m), DoB July 29, 2005
Tabassum Gohar (f), DoB September 23, 2007
Farah Naz Gohar, (f) DoB March 12, 2006
Amir Gohar (m), August 28, 2007
Hassan Gohar, (m) DoB February 12, 2006
Abasah Gohar (f), DoB October 7, 2007
Shahzaib (m) DoB March 12, 2006
The National Human Rights Commission of India considered the right of the 62 to claim asylum in
The position of UNHCR was given in an email from their
"As you are aware, UNHCR does not have formal status in
The fact is that relations between UNHCR and the government of
On July 5, 2009, the Government of India finally responded to the MFI petition on inclusion of UNHCR in court proceedings, pointing out several times that
‘one of the main concerns is that the practice of persons seeking asylum on grounds of religious persecution could set an undesirable precedent’.
The Government response says that there is no reference to persecution of MFI members in the reports of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, or the US International Religious Freedom Report, ignoring such other references as that of the UN Special Rapporteur on Religious Freedom, or the entry in Wikipedia under ‘Blasphemy Law in Pakistan’.
On July 8, 2009, in the High Court gave the MFI eight weeks to file a response to the Government’s rejoinder, and that response was lodged on September 2. The court had to set a date for a ‘final’ hearing, at which the court would decide whether the order of deportation should be allowed, and if not, whether the UNHCR should be included in the further proceedings. If the deportation order were to be revoked, the original criminal charges against the detainees of burning their passports, and the extra charges made against them later, of obtaining Indian visas by false pretences, would still have to be considered by the lower courts.
The ‘final’ hearing of the High Court on November 26, 2009 merely produced a reiteration of the government’s rejection of the asylum application, without further proceedings on the criminal charges. The court order, nominally issued on the date of the hearing, but in fact transmitted to the MFI representatives on December 7, merely records the rejection by the government of their petition and sets December 16 for yet another ‘final’ hearing. All that happened then was that the government asked for yet more time to serve the 64 individuals with Asylum Rejection Letters. The next court date was set for February 3, 2010, but on January 28, 2010, the Government of India rejected the applications made on behalf of the detainees for political asylum (see copy attached, Annex F), and withdrew all the criminal charges against them. They continue to be held in custody, pending a decision by the courts on whether their deportation to
The detainees have now spent over three years in prison, and there can be no reason to prolong their detention now that they have no charges to answer.
Eric Avebury
Vice-chair, Parliamentary Human Rights Group
July 14, 2010
Annex A
Extract from the report of the Special Rapporteur on Religious Freedom Ms Asma Jehangir, A/HRC/7/10/Add.1
page 27
Joint urgent appeal sent on 26 September 2007 with the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture
100. The Special Rapporteurs brought to the attention of the Government information they had received regarding Mr. Sabir Ali, Mr. Iqbal Shahi, Ms. Anisa Abdul Jabbar, Mr. Muhammad Allauddin Syed, Ms. Zill Gohar, Mr. Asad Gohar, Mr. Muhammad Ashfaque, Ms. Shaista Gohar, Mr. Ayoub Gohar, Mr. Muhammad Irshad, Mr. Muhammad Sajjad Babar, Ms. Shabana Gohar, Mr. Zaheer-ud-din Bukhari, Mr. Muhammad Faheem Jaffar, Ms. Rozina Faheem, Mr. Farooq Azam, Mr. Muhammad Khalid, Mr. Sarfaraz Hussain, Mr. Muhammad Fiaz, Mr. Muhammad Furqan Uddin Syed, Mr. Muhammad Yasir, Mr. Shehzaib Gohar, Ms. Gulnaz, Ms. Samreen Shahzadi, Mr. Muhammad Ikhlaq, Ms. Kulsoom Khan, Mr. Imran Saeed, Ms. Zakia Imran, Mr. Imran Pasha, Mr. Muhammad Maqsood, Mr. Irshad Ali, Ms. Rakhshanda Asim Syeda, Mr. Javaid Iqbal, Ms. Qazmi Begum, Mr. Muhammad Muzammil, Mr. Shahzad Mukhtar, Mr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Mr. Mansoor Khan, Ms. Bushra Mansoor, Ms. Misbah Nisa, Ms. Ashraf Nisa, Mr. Moin-ud-din Ahmed, Ms. Noreen Shahzadi, Mr. Abdul Rashid, Ms. Maqsooda Bibi, Ms. Sana Riaz, Mr. Hassan AlGohar, Mr. Muhammad Shafi, Ms. Safia Shafi, Mr. Tanveer Younus, Mr. Asim Ilyas, Mr. Tahir Rasheed, Mr. Usman Rashid, Mr. Abdul Waheed, Ms. Sajida Waheed, Ms. Farah Naz Gohar, Mr. Waqas Ahmed Gohar, Ms. Samira Wasim, Mr. Muhammad Wasim, Mr. Aurangzeb, Ms. Qamar Parveen, Mr. Akhtar Ali Ansari, Ms. Abhaya Gohar, Ms. Mary Gohar, Mr. Amir Gohar. These 65 persons have Pakistani nationality and are currently detained in Central Jail Tihar,
101. According to the information received, the first-named 62 persons are members of the Mehdi Foundation International (MFI), a multi-faith institution utilizing mystical principles of Mr. Ra Gohar Shahi. They claim that in Pakistan MFI members are not allowed to practice their beliefs, that they were tortured there and that blasphemy cases against 250 MFI members have been initiated in
102. Subsequently, their application for bail was denied with the reasoning that without local address it would not be possible to secure their presence during the trial once released on bail. On 22 June 2007, 31 July 2007 and 24 August 2007, three women of the group gave birth to Ms.Abhaya Gohar, Ms. Mary Gohar, Mr. Amir Gohar in detention; another detained woman is pregnant. Several other detainees suffer from severe depressions and their constant screaming and weeping frightens the children who are detained in the same ward. Their requests to the jail authorities to provide separate accommodation for the female detainees with children have been denied by the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate of
103. The 65 above-mentioned persons are at risk of imminent forcible return to
104. The Special Rapporteur regrets that she has not received a reply from the Government concerning the above mentioned allegation. She would like to take the opportunity to refer to her last report to the General Assembly where she has dealt with the vulnerable situation of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced persons (see A/62/280, paras. 38-63).
Annex B
1. Urgent appeal sent on 26 September 2007 jointly with the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
(a) Allegations transmitted to the Government
100. The Special Rapporteurs brought to the attention of the Government information
they had received regarding the following 65 Pakistani members of the Mehdi Foundation International who are detained in Central Jail Tihar, New Delhi, India: Mr. Sabir Ali, Mr. Iqbal Shahi, Ms. Anisa Abdul Jabbar, Mr. Muhammad Allauddin Syed, Ms. Zill Gohar, Mr. Asad Gohar, Mr. Muhammad Ashfaque, Ms. Shaista Gohar, Mr. Ayoub Gohar, Mr. Muhammad Irshad, Mr. Muhammad Sajjad Babar, Ms. Shabana Gohar, Mr. Zaheer-ud-din Bukhari, Mr. Muhammad Faheem Jaffar, Ms. Rozina Faheem, Mr. Farooq Azam, Mr. Muhammad Khalid, Mr. Sarfaraz Hussain, Mr. Muhammad Fiaz, Mr. Muhammad Furqan Uddin Syed, Mr. Muhammad Yasir, Mr. Shehzaib Gohar, Ms. Gulnaz, Ms. Samreen Shahzadi, Mr. Muhammad Ikhlaq, Ms. Kulsoom Khan, Mr. Imran Saeed, Ms. Zakia Imran, Mr. Imran Pasha, Mr. Muhammad Maqsood, Mr. Irshad Ali, Ms. Rakhshanda Asim Syeda, Mr. Javaid Iqbal, Ms. Qazmi Begum, Mr. Muhammad Muzammil, Mr. Shahzad Mukhtar, Mr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Mr. Mansoor Khan, Ms. Bushra Mansoor, Ms. Misbah Nisa, Ms. Ashraf Nisa, Mr. Moinud-
din Ahmed, Ms. Noreen Shahzadi, Mr. Abdul Rashid, Ms. Maqsooda Bibi, Ms.
Sana Riaz, Mr. Hassan AlGohar, Mr. Muhammad Shafi, Ms. Safia Shafi, Mr. Tanveer Younus, Mr. Asim Ilyas, Mr. Tahir Rasheed, Mr. Usman Rashid, Mr. Abdul Waheed, Ms. Sajida Waheed, Ms. Farah Naz Gohar, Mr. Waqas Ahmed Gohar, Ms. Samira Wasim, Mr. Muhammad Wasim, Mr. Aurangzeb, Ms. Qamar Parveen, Mr. Akhtar Ali Ansari, Ms. Abhaya Gohar, Ms. Mary Gohar, Mr. Amir Gohar. Summaries of this communication as well as observations of the Special Rapporteur are already reproduced in A/HRC/7/10/Add.1, paras. 100-104.
(b) Response from the Government dated 12 February 2009
101. By letter dated 12 February 2009, the Government of India informed the Special
Rapporteurs that a decision had been taken, after due consideration, to deport 67 Pakistani nationals at the earliest. The decision was taken after extensive consultations during which no well-founded evidence was discovered that could suggest any systemic persecution of these Pakistani nationals in
been made to release and repatriate these Pakistani nationals on 18 November 2008, they could not be repatriated to Pakistan on that date due to a stay granted by the High Court of Delhi on their deportation. The Government indicated that the matter was sub judice.
(c) Observations of the Special Rapporteur
102. The Special Rapporteur is grateful that the Government of India replied to the
communication of 26 September 2007. She would like to take the opportunity to refer to her reports to the General Assembly, in which she dealt with the vulnerable situation of refugees and asylum-seekers (see A/62/280, paras. 38-63; and A/64/159, paras. 22-24 and 67).
Annex C: FIRs against members of MFI.
On August 11, 2008 a blasphemy case 295A, PPC was registered against eight MFI members by the Khatam-e-Nabuwwat (FIR No. 281/2008, Date of Occurrence August 8, 2008), at Police Station Kotri, District Jamshoro,
(See copy of English translation of FIR, attached)
On August 5, 2008 two MFI members (Mustaqeem and Umer) were severely beaten by extremists, but an FIR was registered against MFI members (FIR No. C/31/08, Date of Report August 6, 2008, Police Station Sharif Abad, District Karachi, Sindh Province, Pakistan) (See copy of English translation of FIR, attached)
On October 18, 2008 at 03.30 Mr Mohammad Iqbal (whose family was active in MFI) was murdered (FIR No. 995/2008, Offence u/s 302, 148, 149 PPC, Date of Report October 16, 2008 at 0500 AM, Police Station Factory Area, District Shaikhupura, Punjab Province, Pakistan) (See copy of English translation of FIR, attached)
In the last three months of 2008, another three FIR’s were registered against MFI members still in
Three further FIRs have been registered against MFI members in 2010, English translations of which are attached
First Information Report of A Cognizable Crime Reported Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.
No. 281/2008 PS Kotri District Jamshoro Date & Time of Occurrence 07-08-2008 at 2030
1. Date & Time of Report 11-08-2008 at 2200 6. Date & Time of Dispatch from the PS On Time
2. Name & Address of Informant Maulana Muhammad Nazar Usmani s/o Haji Shair
and Complainant. Muhammad, caste Deena, resident of Latifabad No. 2.
3. Brief Description of Offence u/s 295-A PPC
(with Section) and Property lost, if any.
4. Place of Occurrence along-with
Distance & Direction from the PS. Daih Solanhaar.
5. Steps taken towards Investigation
and Reasons for delay in recording copy of the FIR was handed-over to --- Team, Kotri
Information, if any.
Signature : Shabbir Ahmed Larik Designation : ASI Kotri PS
Complaint is that: I reside at the above-mentioned address and I am Convener of Khatam-e-Nabuwwat, Hyderabad Division. On 07-08-2008, I, along with Maulana Bashir and Maulana Ghulam Rasool were driving from
Note :- Complaint of the complainant was written verbatim word to word and read over to him who after reading, accepted it to be correct and signed on it.
Sd/- Sd/-
Complainant Maulan Muhammad Nazar Usmani ASI PS Kotri
Police Action
Respected Sir :- The above mentioned complaint has been registered in the Book under section 154 Cr.P.C. and implementation is under section 157 Cr.P.C. with the
First Information Report of A Cognizable Crime Reported Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.
No. 995/2008 PS Factory Area District Shaikhupura Date, Time and place of Occurrence Today at 3:30 AM
1. Date & Time of Report With Ref to Report No. 45 6. Date & Time of Dispatch from the PS Special Report
dated 18-10-2008 at 0500 AM
2. Name & Address of Informant Application from Bakhtawar s/o Bashir Ahmed, Caste Bhatti,
and Complainant. resident of Gujyana-Nau, PS Saddar Farooq-abad. Cell 0321-3265589
3. Brief Description of Offence Offence u/s 302, 148, 149 PPC
(with Section) and Property lost, if any.
4. Place of Occurrence along-with Within the area of Scheme No. 3, Kot Abdul Malik, at a
Distance & Direction from the PS. distance of ½ Km towards South.
5. Steps taken towards Investigation
and Reasons for delay in recording Case was registered on receipt of the application.
Information, if any.
Signature : Tariq Mehmood SI Designation : Sub Inspector
Complaint is that: To, The SHO, Factory Area, District Shaikhupura. Sir it is submitted that I am a labor and resident of Gujyana-Nau, PS Saddar Farooqabad. Yesterday evening, I, my brother Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Afzal s/o Abdullah, Yaqoob s/o Bashir Ahmed, caste Bhatti were at my sister Jameela Bibi’s house at
Police Action :- At the time, I, along-with Haroon Rasheed 696/C, Muhammad Rafeeq 902/C employees was present at Kot Abdul Malik for patrolling duty of Lahore Road. Complainant Bakhtawar s/o Bashir Ahmed, caste Bhatti, resident of Gujyana-Nau, PS Saddar, Farooqabad personally presented an application. From contents of the application, the offence of 302, 148, 49 PPC is made out. The application is sent to PS through Muhammad Rafique, for registration of the case. Moharrar, Head Constable sent special reports to the officials. I am heading to the place of occurrence. Signed in Urdu, Rab-Nawaz, SI, PS Factory Area, 18-10-2008. From
From Police Station :- On receipt of the application, case was entered in the concerned Register. The original application along with copy of the FIR was sent to In-charge Investigation, through Mehmood-ul Hassan 639/C. The SHO has been informed of the case. Special reports are sent to the higher officials.
Tariq Mehmood, SI, PS Factory Area
From PS Sharifabad,
In The Court of DDO Liaqatabad Town,
Subject : Report u/s 107/117 Cr.P.C.
Case/Crime No. : 6/08 u/s 151 Cr.P.C.
Complainant : ASI Muneer Ahmed, P.S. Sharifabad,
Versus : 1) Muhammad Mustaqeem s/o Muhammad Nabi, r/o B13 3/7 Rexer
2) Umer Farooq s/o Shamroz Khan, r/o Korangi Crossing,
Date of Arrest : 05-08-2008
Respected Sir,
Brief details of the case are such that on 05-08-2008, I, ASI Muneer Ahmed along-with sub-ordinates was patrolling the area in Police Mobile. On receiving information, when I reached at under By-Pass, Gharibabad, saw that people are gathered and beating up the above accused persons. After rescuing from the mob, took the accused into my custody. During enquiry, people told that the accused persons were blaspheming Kalma (Religious Motto) through Wall-Chalking. They were engaged in the provocative and hateful wall chalking such as “Mulla Omar is Anti-Christ (Dajjal)”. There was rage (anger) exhibited by the people, therefore, I immediately arrested these two accused persons u/s 151 Criminal Procedure Code. If the accused were not arrested in time, the angry crowd might have attempted some cognizable offence. Furthermore, none from the crowd was ready to become complainant or witness of the case.
Therefore, it is requested through this report that the accused persons, who during interrogation, have told no relation with Gohar Shahi sect, be bound under surety for good behaviour
Witnesses : 1) PC/6292 Mubarik Ali, PS Sharifabad,
2) PC/ -----
Registered the case
and order has passed
u/s 112 Cr.P.C. accordingly.
S/d 06/08/2008
Deputy District Officer (Revenue)
Special Judicial Magistrate
First Information Report of A Cognizable Crime Reported Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.
No. 04/2010 PS Hyderabad District Bhakkar Date & Time of Occurrence Today, at 0700 Hrs
1. Date & Time of Report 13/01/2010 at 07:30 am 6. Date & Time of Dispatch from the PS 13/01/2010
with Ref to Report No. 26 08:00 am
2. Name & Address of Informant Complaint written & sent by Muhammad Afzal Khan, I/SHO
and Complainant. PS
3. Brief Description of Offence u/s 298, 295-A PPC
(with Section) and Property lost, if any.
4. Place of Occurrence along-with Habib Chowk,
Distance & Direction from the PS. in the direction of East.
5. Steps taken towards Investigation
and Reasons for delay in recording As per receipt of written complaint.
Information, if any.
Signature : Nasir Hussain ASI Designation : Moharrar
Case under section 295-A, 298 PPC. Today, I along with Muhammad Khalid (215/C), Sami-ullah (79/C) boarding on the government vehicle No. BKA-618 driven by Zafar Abbas (195/C), after duty of checking mosque when reached near Hyderabad Bus Stand at 07:00 morning, the constables Shaukat Hussain (806/C) and Mazher Abbas (195/C) came to me. Shaukat Hussain (806/C) presented the photocopy of a pamphlet on which it is written “Message to the Muslim Nation…It is our faith that manifestation of the pictures of Gohar Shahi on the Moon, the Sun, the Holy Black Stone and various other places is a Divine Miracle. God has manifested these signs for the guidance and grace to the humanity. Meh means Moon; Mehdi means the one on the Moon. Imam Jaffer Sadiq also said that picture of Imam Mehdi will shine in the Moon. The appearance of the pictures of Gohar Shahi on the surface of the Moon indicates that HH Syedna Gohar Shahi is the Awaited Imam Mehdi. These signs are an act of the God and it is beyond the reach of a human being to draw a picture at such places.”
The constables informed that Abdul Majeed s/o Azmat caste Wado resident of Mutahir-wala, Ghulam Hussain, Abdul Shakoor and Khalid Hussain residents of Lal-Bhatti-wala were distributing this pamphlet to the passersby after Fajar Prayers at Hyderabad Bus Stand. Abdul Majeed handed over this pamphlet to us also. Pamphlet presented by Shaukat Hussain (806/C) was taken into Police custody through a separate memo. Abdul Majeed, Ghulam Hussain, Abdul Shakoor, Khalid Hussain by distributing this pamphlet (printed from some unknown press for preaching their religion Gohar Shahi) have hurt the religious feelings of the Muslim and spread religious hatred and disgraced (blasphemed) the Islamic Signs and thereby committed the offence of 295-A, 298 PPC. Therefore, the complaint, after compiling, is sent to Police Station through Sami-ullah (79/C). After registering the case, I may be informed No. of the case. I am proceeding on investigation. Muhammad Afzal Inspector/SHO,
From Police Station :- From Police Station: On receipt of the complaint, FIR under above sections was registered. Original Application along with copy of the FIR is sent to Muhammad Afzal Khan I/SHO PS Hyderabad for investigation.
Nasir Hussain ASI/Moharrar PS
First Information Report of A Cognizable Crime Reported Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.
No. 11/2010 PS Mankeera District Bhakkar Date & Time of Occurrence 13/01/2010 at 01:30 pm
1. Date & Time of Report 13/01/2010 at 02:20 pm 6. Date & Time of Dispatch from the PS 14/01/2010
Report No. 14 08:00 am
2. Name & Address of Informant On receipt of written complaint by Ghulam Akber, SI
and Complainant. PS Mankeera.
3. Brief Description of Offence u/s 295-A, 298 PPC
(with Section) and Property lost, if any.
4. Place of Occurrence along-with From Bus Stand Mosque, Mankeera at a distance of 50 yards
Distance & Direction from the PS. from the PS in the direction of North-West.
5. Steps taken towards Investigation
and Reasons for delay in recording As per receipt of written complaint.
Information, if any.
Signature : Muhammad Saeed Designation : ASI/DO
Case under section 295-A, 298 PPC. Today, I along with Saif-ullah (512/HC), Sadiq Hussain (525/C), Mazher Suhail (959/C) boarding on the government vehicle No. BKA-8836 driven by Imam Buksh, on the patrolling duty of mosques was present at Asghar Chowk. At 01:30 PM, ASI Altaf Hussain, Sami-ullah (769/C) came to us. ASI Altaf Hussain presented the photocopy of a pamphlet on which it is written “Message to the Muslim Nation……It is our faith that manifestation of the pictures of Gohar Shahi on the Moon, Sun, the Holy Black Stone and various other places is a Divine Miracle. God has manifested these signs for the guidance and grace to the humanity. Meh means Moon, Mehdi means the one on the Moon. Imam Jaffer Sadiq also said that picture of Imam Mehdi will shine in the Moon. The appearance of the pictures of Gohar Shahi on the surface of the Moon indicates that HH Syedna Gohar Shahi is the Awaited Imam Mehdi. These signs are an act of the God and it is beyond the reach of a human being to draw or fix a picture at such places.”
They told that Ghulam Qasim s/o Muhammad Nawaz caste Cheena resident of Malkay-wala, Moza Patti-Bulanda was distributing this pamphlet among the people after Zohar Prayers at Mankeera Bus Stand Mosque. Ghulam Qasim handed over this pamphlet to us also. Pamphlet presented to ASI Altaf Hussain was taken into Police custody through a separate memo. Ghulam Qasim by distributing this pamphlet (printed from some unknown press for preaching their religion Gohar Shahi) has hurt the religious feelings of the Muslim and spread religious hatred and disgraced the Islamic Signs and thereby committed the offence of 295-A, 298 PPC. Therefore, the complaint, after compiling, is sent to Police Station through Sami-ullah (769/C). After registering the case, I may be informed of No. of the case. I am busy in investigation. Signature in Urdu Ghulam Akber SI, Mankeera Police Station. 30/01/2010. From Asghar Chowk Mankeera at 02:10 PM.
From Police Station :- On receipt of the written complaint, FIR under above sections was registered. Original Application along with copy of the FIR is sent to SI Ghulam Akber through Sami-ullah (769/C) for investigation. Information of the FIR is being conveyed to the higher officials.
Muhammad Saeed ASI/DO PS Mankeera
First Information Report of A Cognizable Crime Reported Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.
No. 38 248956 PS
1. Date & Time of Report 10-05-2010 @ 0915 6. Date & Time of Dispatch from the PS 11-05-2010
with Ref. to Report No. 5. at 08:00 am.
2. Name & Address of Informant Written Application by Muhammad Naeem-ullah s/o Shair Muhammad,
and Complainant. Caste Mochi, r/o Mahini, Tehseel Mankeera, District Bhakkar along with the
Legal Opinion of Asstt. Public Prosecutor, Bhakkar.
3. Brief Description of Offence u/s 298-C PPC
(with Section) and Property lost, if any.
4. Place of Occurrence along-with Within the area of Mahini, approx. 35 Kms from the PS in the
Distance & Direction from the PS. direction of North-East.
5. Steps taken towards Investigation Os per receipt of written complaint along with Legal Opinion.
and Reasons for delay in recording
Information, if any.
Signature : ASI Zahid Hussain Designation : Moharrar
To The DPO Bhakkar,
Muhammad Naeem-ullah s/o Shair Muhammad, Caste Mochi, r/o Mahini, Tehseel Mankeera, District Bhakkar…………………………………….................................................................................................................
Applicant Versus Habib-ullah s/o Suhab, Caste Bhutta, Teacher Government H/S Mahini, Tehseel Mankeera, District Bhakkar…………………………………...........Accused
Application For Legal Action On Blasphemy of the Prophet, Quran and other Islamic Tenets
Sir, It is informed that undersigned applicant is the resident of Mahini Thall. The accused is also resident of Mahini and preaches the religion and faith of Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi and publicly preaches La-Ilaha Il-Allah Gohar Shahi Rasool Allah instead of La-Ilaha-Il-Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah. The witnesses to which are 1. Haji Haq-Nawaz s/o Ghulam Hassan, Caste Bhadwaal, 2. Azhar Abbas s/o Noor Muhammad, Caste Mochi, 3. Mazher Abbas s/o Haji Shair Muhammad, Caste Derkhan, 4. Allah Bakhash s/o Noor Muhammad, Caste Mochi and other residents in whose presence he has recited this Kalma (Motto). He also preaches tenets of the Gohar Shahi. Complete record, matter and literature in this regard is attached with this application. It is, therefore, prayed that legal action be taken against accused on Blasphemy of Prophet, Quran and other Tenets (SHA-ER) of Islam.
06-02-2010 Applicant Muhammad Naeem-ullah s/o Shair Muhammad, Caste Mochi r/o Mahini, Tehseel Mankeera, District Bhakkar.
Signed in Urdu Muhammad Naeem-ullah.
On this application Mr. Rab-Nawaz, Assistant Public Prosecutor has given following opinion:
Sir the contents of the application have been perused carefully, from the prima facie applicability of offense u/s 298-C is made present, therefore, the case u/s 298-C can be registered against the accused. Signed in English with office stamp. Rab-Nawaz, Assistant District Public Prosecutor, Bhakkar, 18-02-2010
Police Action
At this time, the application along with legal opinion is received. From the contents prima facie offence of Section 298-C is present. Accordingly, FIR against the said offence was registered. Original Application along with all documents and copy of FIR is sent by hand of Jamshaid Ali 594/C to SI Zulfiqar Ali for investigation. Information of the incident is being conveyed to I/SHO.
Zahid Hussain
ASI, Moharrar PS
Annex D
Email to Lord Avebury from Mr Kwaza A Hafz, Assistant Registrar, NHRC, dated May 27, 2009
With reference to your mail dated 19.5.2009 seeking information regarding the action by the NHRC on the complaint pertaining to 62 MFI detainees lodged in Tihar Jail,
Commission’s directions dated 23.8.2007
"This petition has been made on behalf of 63 Pakistani nationals who had staged a protest demonstration at Jantar Mantar to seek asylum in
The Commission sought comments from the Ministry of Home Affairs and also from the Ministry of External Affairs. The Ministry of External Affairs submitted comments and stated that the petitioners had obtained visa from the High Commission of India on the basis of fake letters of reference. It was further submitted by the Ministry that informal inquiries by the Indian High Commission did not reveal any well founded evidence to suggest persecution of the members of Mehdi Foundation International to which the petitioners belong.
The report received from the Ministry was forwarded to the representative of the petitioners. She has reiterated that repatriation to
Grant of asylum is an administrative decision to be taken by the Government of India and the Commission can not possibly interfere in such matter. The Commission would, however, like to draw the attention of the Government of India to the observations made by the House of Lords in R(on the application of Limbuela) V Secretary of State for the Home Department, reported in (2007) I ALLER 951.
While construing the powers of the Secretary of State for the purpose of avoiding a breach of a person's rights under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950, their Lordships observed as follows:-
"As soon as the asylum seeker made it clear that there was an imminent prospect that a breach of the article would occur because the conditions which he or she was having to endure were on the verge of reaching the necessary degree of severity, the Secretary of State had the power under s 55(5)(a) of the 2002 Act, and the duty under the 1998 act, to act to avoid it. The factors which would come into play in the assessment included whether the asylum seeker was male or female, or was elderly, or in poor health, the extent to which he or she had explored all avenues of assistance that might be expected to be available and the length of time that had been spent and was likely to be spent without the required means of support."
The Commission hopes that the Government of India, while considering the petitioners' request for asylum, will give due regard to the above observations made by the House of Lords. It is recommended to the Government of India that the 62 petitioners be not deported to
Commission’s directions dated 02.9.2008
"The complainant had made a petition on behalf of 63 Pakistani nationals who had staged a protest demonstration at Jantar Mantar to seek asylum in !ndia and were sent to Tihar Jail for burning their Pakistani passports. The petitioners prayed for intervention of the Commission to save them from deportation to
Upon consideration of the reports received from the Ministries of Home Affairs & External Affairs and the comments of the complainant on the said reports, the Commission vide proceedings dated 23.8.2007 observed and directed as under:-
"Grant of asylum is an administrative decision to be taken by the Government of India and the Commission can not possibly interfere in such matter. The Commission would, however, like to draw the attention of the Government of India to the observations made by the House of Lords in R(on the application of Limbuela) V Secretary of State for the Home Department, reported in (2007) I ALLER 951.
While construing the powers of the Secretary of State for the purpose of avoiding a breach of a person's rights under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950, their Lordships observed as follows:-
"As soon as the asylum seeker made it clear that there was an imminent prospect that a breach of the article would occur because the conditions which he or she was having to endure were on the verge of reaching the necessary degree of severity, the Secretary of State had the power under s 55(5)(a) of the 2002 Act, and the duty under the 1998 act, to act to avoid it. The factors which would come into play in the assessment included whether the asylum seeker was male or female, or was elderly, or in poor health, the extent to which he or she had explored all avenues of assistance that might be expected to be available and the length of time that had been spent and was likely to be spent without the required means of support."
The Commission hopes that the Government of India, while considering the petitioners' request for asylum, will give due regard to the above observations made by the House of Lords. It is recommended to the Government of India that the 62 petitioners be not deported to
Ms. Nilima Prabhu has again made an application on behalf of Mehdi Foundation International urging the Commission to take up the case of 67 MFI Members with the Government of India for expeditious disposal. She states that the Government proposed to take the asylum case of the aforesaid 67 persons only after conclusion of the criminal trial. The Commission is of the opinion that pendency of the criminal case can be no harm to consideration of the asylum applications."
This is for your information please.
With regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Khwaja A. Hafeez,
Assistant Registrar (Law)
Annex E
From Lord Avebury P0813102
020-7274 4617
October 13, 2008
Dear Prime Minister,
Please will you defer the removal of 62 Pakistani citizens who are in Tihar jail, accused of destroying their travel documents after they had crossed into
I should add that UNHCR are already aware of this problem, both in
H E Dr Manmohan Singh,
Prime Minister.
cc Shri Shivraj V Patil Minister For External Affairs Shri Parnab Mukherjee Minister For Home Affairs; Smt Pratibha Patil, President of India, Ms Carol Batchelor, UN Head of Mission New Delhi; Mr. Swaminathan, Joint Secretary External Affairs; Mr. Rajindra Babu …. Chairmain NHRC
Annex F refusal of asylum