Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Aorta and narrowed artery

Good news from Mr S at KIng's! He managed to book the echo and CPX appointments for July 7, the day before I'm due to see Mr R the vascular surgeon for him to explain the two operations. The first is to unblock the artery serving my right kidney, and the second to deal with the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. I gather it is the intention to do endovascular surgery, though one reference says that (www.medicinenet.com/abdominal_aortic_aneurysm/page5.htm#fhoware) "Not all aneurysms can be fixed in this manner and there may not be a long-term benefit to this type of surgery. Though the post-operative course is shorter, there is a need for closer follow-up and testing". I'm hoping to get a copy of the scan when I see Mr R.

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